How To Understand Php Code

PHP is a general-purpose language designed for websites and web applications. It is very popular for beginner-friendly programming courses due to its easy-to-understand syntax.

PHP was originally called Handsome PHP, because of its friendly, concise syntax. Today, it is known as just PHP.

This article will discuss some key terms that relate to PHP code, such as types, variables, functions, and statements.

Watch PHP tutorials

how to understand php code

Most people start watching PHP tutorials because they want to get more code in their lives. They love code and want to be able to understand it, so seeing it presented in a way that is easy to understand is important.

Many times, the best way to understand code is to watch tutorial videos. Most are offered on You-Tube, however, not always in English. These can be helpful in learning how to use PHP, but also in reading and writing code!

These can be helpful in learning how to read and write code!

Reading and understanding code should be done by someone other than the person who wrote it. This is partially because you may have missed some things that were overlooked when writing the code and partially because you can learn something new from someone else’s work.

Only read or read close enough that you can understand what you are saying without doing any of the above- However, if you do something that helps other people learn more about PHP Code, then give yourself a reward.

Use a code editor with autocomplete

how to understand php code

A code editor is a program that you can use to edit text files, web pages, and software. The best code editors have built-in support for autocompletion.

This means that the code editor will help you find words or phrases that are also codes. It will then autofill those codes!

While a basic autocompletion feature is fine, having more features is even better! You can do more things with the help of the code editor.

For example, when writing a website monetization system, you would want to have the ability to: determine which actions users take, which actions they take, and how much money they pay for. These are all parts of your website that determine what your site does, how it pays for itself, and who it benefits.

Look up function definitions

how to understand php code

When you’re reading code, there are two ways to look up definitions. The first is to press F1 at the line where a function name appears. The second is to click the ellipsis (…) at the end of a function name.

Both of these methods give you a list of all the functions in your application. You can then click on a function name or click on the ellipsis to go back to the line where the function name appears.

Once you do that, you can read whatever text is inside the function and try your best to understand what it does. You can also ask other people how they understand PHP code!

Funny story: When I wrote this article, I didn’t realize that PHP has variables and functions.

Figure out what variables are used for

Most of the time, your PHP code will be used to create new objects or respond to events. In fact, this is one of the most important parts of understanding PHP code!

When you see a new variable named $myObj, $myObj2, or $myAssoc, you should pay attention to what they are used for.

$myObj can be an object property name or an object instance variable name. An object has a handful of property names that correspond to different things like __name__, __doc__, and parent_id.

$myAssoc can be a attribute name or a attribute value. An attribute has various places where it corresponds to something like value, defaulted to, and affirmed as.

Understand the structure of the code

how to understand php code

PHP code is built out of blocks of information called sections. A section can contain items such as a loop, a form, an update or delete deed, or even a new chapter!

Each section has its own structure and way to work. This is important to understand when you need to work in that structure.

The most common structures in PHP are loops, forms, and tables. All three have different steps to understanding how they work.

Check out the structure of the file(s)

how to understand php code

When you run a PHP file, it needs to have a structure. The file can be very long, so it is helpful to look at the top and bottom of the file to see what is inside.

Most of the time, PHP files end with a .php extension and are stored in/made into a file, so looking at the end of the file is helpful.

This article will talk about how to read and understand php code, but first, we need to understand how php code works.

Read through the source code

how to understand php code

While writing PHP code can be fun, it is important to read the code you write. It is there that you will find helpful hints for future code, and it is there that you can learn how to make it work correctly.

This includes reading your PHP code as a user would. By using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, users can access their php codes via their computer or mobile device.

User error is the fastest way to learn how to read php code. Take some time to look through your codes and figure out what functions they are and why they are doing what they are doing. This way you can understand what they are doing and why it works the way it does.

Having a solid understanding of php code will help you get through projects faster, as well as help you understand why things work the way they do.

Run the script/program and observe output

how to understand php code

When the PHP code is finished, you’ll see something like this:
Topic Gateway – When the script/program/app/etc. is done, it will display a success message and then close itself!

That is because the script/program/app/etc. created a new gateway called topic_gateway and linked to your other programs and websites.

Programs can talk to each other! This is what makes programs like apps and websites. An app can link to another app or website to perform a task or get an answer.

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